Haters & Debaters
Haters & Debaters
Episode 3: Ham & Cheese vs PB&J, Trumps vs Kardashians, and Borat vs Rocky
We're finally bringing some new folks to our show! Just time for Marc to be arguing about things we tried settling last week. Everyone also gangs up on Erik and questions whether he lives in a real house or a casting couch.
On today's show we argue about the following:
- Which is the more iconic duo: Ham and Cheese or PB&J
- Which family would you rather be adopted into: The Trumps or the Kardashians?
- Who has the more inspirational movie: Rocky or Borat?
A huge thanks to our comics who came on today's show, please follow them on their respective social medias below:
Dwayne Murhpey Jr.
Zach Zajak
Jamie Shriner Biddle
Bob Rok
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If you have a petty argument that needs to be settled by a group of comedians, please send us your argument to hatersanddebaters@gmail.com. If you want to change the course of who won this episode, please head over to our Instagram and vote on who you think actually won this episode.